Michael Imber教授中国人民大学系列讲座
9月14日-9月24日,美国堪萨斯大学教育领导与政策研究系Michael Imber教授来学院讲座。欢迎全院师生及校内外同行参加。
地 点:中国人民大学国学馆109教室
课 程:
1. Governance and Organization of US Schools (Sep. 14周一, 9:00-11:30)
2. Legal Issues Affecting American Education (Sep. 15,周二 9:00-11:30)
3. Privatization of Education in the US (Sep. 17周四, 地点待定)
4. Educational Reform in the US (Sep. 21周一, 9:00-11:30)
5. Equity in American Education (Sep. 22周二, 9:00-11:30)
6. Financing Education in the US (Sep. 24周四, 9:00-11:30)
Michael Imber教授简历:
开设“学校治理与组织(The Governance and Organization of Schools)”、“教育法学(Education Law)”、“教育政策、伦理与法律(Educational Policy, Ethics and Law)”、“美国教育改革运动:过去与现在(American Educational Reform Movements: Past and Present)”等课程。出版教育法学相关著作包括:A Teacher's Guide to Education Law (4th edition), Routledge, 2010. Previous editions: 1994, 2001, 2005. Education Law (4th edition), Routledge, 2010. Previous editions: 1993, 2000, 2004. 论文数十篇。
教育经历:1980, Stanford University教育学博士,主修教育政策与法律,辅修哲学;1975, University of Rochester教育硕士,咨询与学生人事;1969, University of Rochester,本科,哲学。